Wednesday, April 29, 2009

time to pretend

today was a good day; especially compared to yesterday.
i think it was just a mini slump, which we all go through once and a while.
anyways. i had noah's today and recited a book about std's. which was interesting.
i had no idea that gonorrhea is also called "drip".
see, we learn something new everyday.
also, today was baskin robins (i do not know how you spell it; basket and robin's probably) 31 cent scoop day, which was delicious. i was leaving and was at the stoplight when the light turns green. but of course 3 douche bags were stopped in the middle in front of me from a left turn and i wanted to leave. so i honked, a few times and got flipped off by one of the people. which is stupid because they were the ones blocking the intersection and deserved it. long story short i had to wait like 5 minutes because the light turned red before i could get through.
dinner time.
mashed potatoes because my mouth is in pain.

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